I never thought of myself as the fire and brimstone type of person yet it seems when I am given a public space to write about whatever I wish it seem that I gravitate toward the preachy and gloomy. That is no fun! I suppose because this blog was a classroom assignment there is some tendency to be serious but that isn't what a lot of people want to read online it seems. I know that when I am surfing the web, I am looking at funny pictures of cats and rarely reading news.
All in all I think that the Framingham State Persuasive Writing Blog was a success. I wish that I would have been able to make a greater connection with the readership and had more comments about my writing but I think that I have learned a valuable lesson: Sometimes what you say doesn't matter and that is okay because it is all about learning. I think that this class has prepared me to be more effective at getting people attention later. I have learned that saying outrageous things often does not draw the fire that was hoped for and people often don't watch your linked videos, no matter how clever you think that are.
This blog has taught me that people don't want to listen to people with little authority preach at them on the internet and how difficult it is to hold peoples attention. These are valuable lessons because we live in a digital age and it is our duty... oh! There I go again!
It is hard to get our voices heard on this blog, mainly because there are so many people posting. Each student must post ten blogs and five comments. This is too many for someone to read them all. I found myself also running out of material. I started talking about UFC which i know no one is probably going to read. I also wanted to stay away from the marijuana issue because i thought it was too obvious, but today was crunch time and I ran out of ideas. I think this assignment did a good job introducing us to blogging, and I learned a lot about issues I was not aware of.