Marijuana legalization is something that most democrats and current/former pot smokers agree over. There is no reason to keep it illegal. It is tying up the court system, almost everyone has tried it, and there are countless medical benefits in using it while sick. In Massachusetts it is decimalized to have under an ounce of marijuana. This law is a start, and will probably evolve in the future. The government is not getting the most out of the situation at hand. They are letting the illegal market continue and not gaining anything from it. If they legalized marijuana and regulated the growth, they could tax it intensely and make a ton of money. Marlborough has even patented the name “Greens” for when marijuana is made legal. Most cigarette companies already have the material necessary to manufacture commercial marijuana.
In other states around the country people can go to jail over a small bag. These laws treat marijuana the same way as harder drugs. People’s lives are ruined over something that almost everyone will try by the end of their life. This does not even include those selling it. Many dealers are exclusive marijuana dealers. The dealers that sell harder drugs will no doubt still deal if marijuana was legalized. Legalization, however, would eliminate all of the marijuana dealers. All of the dealers in my experience would not be in business if marijuana was legal. It is a very similar situation as alcohol prohibition.
The medical benefits for people receiving treatment for cancer of glaucoma are exponential. Marijuana significantly reduces nausea. This is a symptom that people who are going through chemotherapy treatments live with on a daily basis. Medical marijuana is available in some states, but should be nation-wide. This is the most important part of marijuana legalization. Marijuana is a medicine. Some legal medicines are used to access such as perquisite, oxicotton, and valium. An abuse of these drugs causes more worry in anyone’s mind than a use of weed. Marijuana is becoming more acceptable than ever and I think that it is only a matter of time until we see it legalized.
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